If you’re not sure which type of dental floss to purchase at the store, then our dentists, Dr. John McMurray, is more than happy to help you. It’s important to choose the floss that helps you clean the crevices of your smile. As we’re sure you know, flossing is very important. Now, the type of floss you select should be... read more »
If you’re not sure how to care for your child’s oral health and smile, then you have come to the right blog. Our dentist, Dr. John McMurray, and dental team are happy to tell you how to keep your child’s teeth and gums in tip-top shape. The more you know, the better! So, here are the tips you need: First,... read more »
Hardened tartar is a bacteria laden substance that can develop on teeth when your daily oral hygiene routine fails to remove plaque and food residue from your mouth. As it starts to build up near the gumline, it puts your periodontal tissues at increased risk of suffering gingivitis. This can cause your gums to bleed easily when brushing and flossing.... read more »
The complete set of dentures provided for you at Dr. John McMurray’s clinic in Meridian, Idaho, were designed to replicate the basic function and appearance of your natural teeth. Even though they are created from special dental materials they will still need daily care and cleaning. This starts with rinsing and thoroughly brushing all surfaces of your dentures with a... read more »
Maintaining your healthy smile is vital for your oral health, and is the foundation to a confident smile as well. Since you are in the tooth cleaning trenches every day, your diligence can make a big difference to your smile health. Today, Dr. John McMurray and Dr. Brad Williams are happy to share some oral health tips with you in... read more »
Gum disease is a powerful threat to your oral health. Heart disease and throat cancer are linked to gum disease. People with gum disease can also lose teeth. No matter how scary this is, gum disease is one of the most easily preventable diseases adults are currently facing in the United States. The best way to prevent gum disease is... read more »
The wonderful cheer and treats are all around us this holiday season. With so much to feast on, it’s easy to let cavities invade your smile and damage your oral health. That is why our team here at Legacy Smiles Family Dental is happy to help you crush those cavities and restore your oral health with composite fillings. To help... read more »
If someone were to approach you and ask if you take good care of your teeth, would you say yes? Sure, you may brush your teeth twice daily, but what other methods do you use to ensure optimum oral health? Ask yourself the following questions to determine your overall oral health level. - Do you also floss and/or use mouthwash... read more »
When it comes to oral hygiene, no one is completely perfect. There is always something we can do to make our own personal routine a little better. This may involve using a better mouth rinse or practicing your flossing. Today, we want to talk about 3 simple things you can do to brush better. First, think about the way you... read more »
There are many smells we can associate with Valentine’s Day, from chocolate to roses. However, rotting food and sulphur are two smells your loved one definitely does not want to smell on your breath when you give them a good night’s kiss. In order to fight bad breath (also known as halitosis), you must learn what causes of it and... read more »