If you wish to straighten your teeth, consider the use of orthodontic braces. Orthodontic braces are a highly effective orthodontic treatment system that can provide you the oral health care benefits you are seeking, including enhancements to the look of your smile and upgrades to the health of your smile. To ensure your teeth and gums can continue to function... read more »
If you're diagnosed with sleep apnea, it means you're suffering from a sleeping disorder in which your breathing habits are interrupted or impaired while sleeping. Typically, this can arise due to a blocked airway or interrupted brain signals. If left untreated, it can cause numerous oral ailments including high blood pressure and heart attacks. Thus, it is important to make... read more »
How would you rank your oral health care in regard to brushing effectively each day? Are you making sure that you brush your teeth twice per day? Do you use a toothbrush that is extremely durable and not worn out? If you have any potential questions or worries about your oral health care, consider the following tooth brushing techniques. Always... read more »
If you want a healthy smile, then remember flossing could be the key. Flossing your teeth each day is important to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. Here at Legacy Smiles Family Dental in Meridian, Idaho, we take your oral health seriously, which is why we want to remind you the importance of flossing. Did you know, flossing is a... read more »
Have you thought about family dentistry and wondered if it is right for you? If so, you are not alone. With so many options of dental practices, our team here at Legacy Smiles Family Dental in Meridian, Idaho, understands how tricky it can be to figure out which place is best for you and your family needs. That is why... read more »
Many people strive for the flawless smile they see in movies or television. Did you know, thanks to dental veneers and the advancements in cosmetic dentistry, thousands of people are now able to achieve the movie-star smile? Well, it’s true! Here at Legacy Smiles Family Dental in Meridian, Idaho, our team is proud to offer dental veneers to help restore... read more »
If you are looking for a low-cost alternative to missing teeth, dentures are a viable option. Dentures are custom-designed for each individual dental profile to ensure maximum efficiency and comfort. An added perk of dentures is they are easy to install and can be removed whenever the patient desires. Additional benefits include: - Dentures are removable and thus are excellent... read more »
Do you ever struggle with flossing? While most people know that flossing is extremely important, some struggle with the process. Obviously, traditional floss is the most common and most frequently used type of floss, but some people still struggle with it. For example, some individuals have a hard time navigating the floss through their teeth or struggle to reach their... read more »