Oral health issues that interfere with your smile and self-confidence can be addressed at Legacy Smiles Family Dental. We are pleased to help many patients receive effective treatment for a variety of smile issues by providing dental crowns. Today we want to discuss the benefits of dental crowns in addressing the following oral health conditions: - Damage from Bruxism: Bruxism... read more »
If you are in need of a dental crown treatment, try the remarkable benefits that CEREC dental crowns have to offer. CEREC dental crowns are highly customizable and can be ready to repair the look and function of damaged and broken teeth in as little as a single office visit. CEREC crowns can be customized to improve your smile with... read more »
If you allow your daily hygiene routine to become a token gesture towards oral care, then you might be allowing cavities to develop into real problems. The bacteria you don’t remove attacks your teeth and forms large pits that threaten the structure of your teeth. If they get to this stage, the cavity might be too big to repair with... read more »
At Legacy Smiles Family Dental, our dentists, Dr. McMurray and Dr. Williams are happy to offer dental crowns for our patients in Meridian, Idaho, and the neighboring communities. Because we use CEREC technology, we can place a dental crown restoration with just one visit at our office. In addition to covering a damaged tooth or a dental implant, a dental... read more »