Maintain Optimum Oral Health with Toothbrushing Techniques

How would you rank your oral health care in regard to brushing effectively each day? Are you making sure that you brush your teeth twice per day? Do you use a toothbrush that is extremely durable and not worn out? If you have any potential questions or worries about your oral health care, consider the following tooth brushing techniques. Always... read more »

What You Should Know About a Tongue Scraper

Are you aware, keeping your teeth clean and healthy is an extremely important for your oral health care? You probably understand that failing to keep your pearly whites clean can leave you more vulnerable to cavities and gum disease. We usually recommend scheduling a checkup with our dentist at least twice a year to have your teeth cleaned thoroughly, but... read more »

What to Avoid While Brushing Your Teeth

You know that if you’re interested in protecting your oral health, you need to brush and floss your teeth regularly. But would you be surprised to learn that there are a number of things that many Americans could actually do better when it comes to brushing? If you’re interested in brushing your teeth as effectively as possible, you’ll need to... read more »

To Those Who Keep Their Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth removal is always necessary. Right? Actually, those with a larger jaw may not need to have these third molars removed from their mouth. Learn more about when wisdom teeth don’t need removal and how to care for them. Our prehistoric ancestors needed wisdom teeth for a coarser diet, but we have smaller mouths and a softer diet today.... read more »